Training in Gestalt Theatre 2025/26
We are happy to invite you for the post-graduate training
in Gestalt Theatre that will be held in 2025 - 26 in Spain and the Czech Republic.
The training focuses on the implementation of drama and theatrical tools into psychotherapy within the gestalt therapeutic framework. Gestalt theatre is an experiential, embodied, and expressive approach to the therapeutic process which is grounded in the theory of gestalt therapy. The two-year program is held in an international group.
The post-graduate training is open to 20 people. The group is for psychotherapists and trainees in psychotherapy in therapeutic modalities recognized by the European Association for Psychotherapy. We welcome also drama therapists and art therapists (or trainees) with complex training in which has been included self-experiential process.
The training program is grounded in the theory of the Gestalt therapy approach and focuses on training and enhancing participants' skills in integrating drama therapeutical and theatrical tools into their therapeutical work with groups and individuals. We will explore the potentialities of drama and theatrical tools within the Gestalt therapeutic framework.

Training contents:
- Personal self-experiential process: experiencing drama and theatre within gestalt therapeutic framework.
- Competencies development: skills in design and facilitation of gestalt theatre groups & development of therapist competencies in general via theatrical tools.
- Theory and methodology: grounding practical training in gestalt therapeutic framework - the self process in gestalt therapy; relationality & field perspective; embodiment and expressivity in therapeutic drama; working in various clinical areas; approach to trauma and post-traumatic development.

Training dates & structure:
The training is a two-year program that consists of four training sessions. To complete the training, it is necessary to participate in at least 80% of all training sessions. Each training session offers 52 training hours which makes all together 208 hours. The first year focuses more on the personal self-experiential process and the second year orientates participants towards practice through practical training of skills and methodology.
Training costs:
Total cost for 1st training year: 1500 EUR
30th November 2024

Diego Miguel Marín Romera, B.A.
Background in Psychotherapy:
Diego is a practicing Gestalt psychotherapist working with individual clients and also with groups on Gestalt Theatre in several Spanish cities. Diego already facilitated workshops for therapists, educators, and youth workers on Gestalt Theatre in several European countries and is a director of Gestalt theatre school in Murcia. He has complex training in Gestalt Therapy, long term training on Gestalt Theatre Therapy and made several SAT modules on Enneagram of Claudio Naranjo. Besides that Diego specialises in experiential learning and non formal education on European level in Erasmus+ programmes. For more than 15 years he has been working with groups of various kinds: youth and social workers, teachers, trainers, groups of adolescents, prisoners, etc.
Background in Theatre:
Diego got his background in social theatre in Spain, with the help of Yoshi Oida (actor and companion of Peter Brook ("The essence of the actor"), David Martinez (Theatre of the Oppressed), Anton Valen (The Way of the Clown) and Allan Owens (Pretext Drama).

Veronika Nýdrlová, Ph.D.
Background in Psychotherapy:
Veronika is a psychotherapist in private practice where she works mainly with families. She has been through a complex training in integrative psychotherapy and currently she is finishing the training in family therapy and psychosomatic disorders. For eleven years she has worked in therapeutical community for drug addicted people with mental disorders where she had been also working with drama and theatre. Veronika is assistant professor at Department of Social Education at the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University in Brno. There she mainly teaches experiential education courses and applied drama. Together with Tomáš they facilitate groups on Gestalt Theatre in Brno, Czech Republic.
Background in Theatre:
In 2010 Veronika became the first pioneer of Playback Theatre in the Czech Republic. Since then, she has gone through several international trainings and has been teaching and performing Playback Theatre and took part in number of projects using Theatre of the Oppressed.

Tomáš Andrášik, Ph.D.
Background in Psychotherapy:
Tomáš is gestalt psychotherapist in private practice working with individuals and groups. He runs groups on Gestalt Theatre in the Czech Republic and trains Gestalt Theatre internationally. He has complex training in integrative Gestalt psychotherapy in Czechia, advanced international training in Gestalt therapy at Instituto di Gestalt H.C.C. in Italy, and is a member of the European Association for Gestalt Therapy (EAGT). Besides this is Tomáš an assistant professor at the Department of Social Education, Masaryk University Brno where he teaches applied drama. He is also active in research community as an author of several articles on therapeutic use of drama and improv theatre.
Background in Theatre:
For twelve years Tomáš has been part of semi-professional improv theatre groups both as an actor and trainer. In these years, he went through many international workshops on theatrical and applied improvisation. During his studies, he also received training in Playback Theatre and Process Drama.
Venues: Spanish coast and Czech mountains
Training will be situated in two different venues.
In Autumn (2025 & 2026) the group will meet in Aguilas, Spain on the seaside. It is a dream location for training offering sandy beaches and the calmness of the waves.
Spring training sessions (2025 and 2026) will be held in the Czech mountain area in a place surrounded by nature and a peaceful environment.
Aguilas, Spain
The working room of the training is situated in Auditorium and Congress Palace Infanta Doña Elena in Aguilas. It is a modern building appraised for its architecture situated next to sandy beach on the promenade of the coastal town Aguilas. In October the weather is expected to be ideal for swimming in the sea without too high temperatures for the training siesta times.
Accommodation during the training:
Sudislav nad Orlici, Czechia
Kubasova chalupa serves as a space for long-term retreats and workshops. It provides training space with accommodation and space for leisure activities. The advantage is a quiet place in eastern Bohemia, respectful of the environment and nature, situated close to mountains.
Accommodation during the training:
As the venue is a little bit on the edge of civilization, the whole group will stay in the venue that offers accommodation and food for a reasonable price (250-300 EUR per module for accommodation and a full board, changes due to inflation need to be considered).
Note on the application process: we are currently accepting applications for the training. After filling out the application form we will ask you for some information (CV and your motivation). The next step will be an interview with one of the trainers.
Training coordinators

Veronika Šromová

Lucie Moravčíková
Veronika and Lucie are responsible for the application process, communication with participants and the training organization. May you have any questions regarding the training feel free to contact them.
via form bellow
The team is looking forward to meet you!